Dr Bassel Wattar


Success is built on collaboration, education, and mentorship. Let’s explore how we can work together.


I am a strong believer that progress can only be achieved via investing in quality education. 
I always aspire to deliver top quality education to my junior colleagues and students in everyday clinical practice, and at the same time learn from them.
I am specifically focused on supporting patient and public education and had the privilege in hosting and participating in several patient webinars, talks, and workshops (please check out some of my talks here)


If you want to travel fast, you should travel alone, but if you want to travel far, you should certainly travel with like-minded friends. 
I enjoyed setting up several international collaborations towards common causes in women’s health (link), as well as harnessing local support towards a common cause (link).
I welcome opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals who put the benefit of the collective above the benefit of the one (Link).